Online therapy for individuals and couples in Maine, Massachusetts, California & Florida
When my clients first come to see me...
they are stuck in a swamp of anxiety and endless fears of “what if.” They are exhausted from trying to escape the discomfort of their thoughts and keep their emotions at bay. For so long, avoiding and withdrawing has seemed like the easiest path to take, but it has also meant missing out on parts of life. They wish things could be different—that they could get out of their heads, stop worrying, and be more fully connected to themselves and others—but facing fears and making changes feels so daunting.
Others tend to see my clients as kind, hardworking, and sensitive to others. Their peaceful and accepting nature puts people at ease and makes them easy to like. Despite how calm and relaxed they seem on the outside, however, on the inside they are often drowning in a storm of racing thoughts, self-doubt, and uncertainty.

The worst thing about anxiety is
how much of life it makes you avoid.

My clients come to me because they know they are missing out on life. Their anxiety and self-doubt has become intolerable and so they have been spending a huge amount of time trying to get rid of it by doing things like asking for reassurance, excessively researching, replaying events, or numbing out with television or food. If you relate to this, then you know the relief you get from doing these things doesn’t last very long, and it comes at a cost. You avoid being in certain situations or having certain conversations because they bring up too much anxiety and discomfort. You either hide yourself from others because of your shame, or you depend on others too much because of your need for reassurance. You've become preoccupied by your thoughts and have prioritized avoiding discomfort so much that you don't even know what your own passion, purpose, and preferences are. Above all, you feel you can't trust yourself.​
Before they came to see me, my clients worried therapy would be too uncomfortable. They were afraid they’d be pushed into doing or saying things they weren’t ready for. But they knew they were stuck and that without help, their lives would never change.
You deserve to live a life
that isn’t consumed by anxiety.
You can be free of the exhaustion that comes from all the obsessing and avoiding. In our work together, you will develop new ways of thinking, feeling, and being in relationships so that you are no longer at the mercy of self-doubt and intrusive thoughts. You will learn how to trust yourself and step into your strength so you can show up fully to your own life.
If you’re ready to rise above the noise
and start living the life you want,
I’d love to help you get there.


I received my bachelor’s degree with honors from Brown University and my master’s degree from Boston College. I acquired my clinical training at McLean Hospital, Harvard Medical School’s largest psychiatric affiliate, on an inpatient unit in the division of Anxiety and Mood Disorders. I trained at the OCD Institute, the nation’s first and foremost treatment center for OCD. I am also one of the few clinicians in the U.S. expertly trained by the creator of Inference-based Therapy (IBT or I-CBT). Before becoming a psychotherapist, I owned a wellness company in which I helped people heal from destructive relationships with food and nourishment and instead learn to eat and live according to their own values. I am also a longtime student of the Enneagram and enjoy using it as a tool for self-knowledge and growth.